What are these things?


Attached is a link to the pic of these things. I was okay with these things at first, but now they're taking over my tank. I have no idea what they are or what kind of worm they are, but it's all over the tank and they've destroyed 5 corals so far. Now they're starting destroy some finger leathers. If anyone can tell me what they are and how to get rid of them, it would be great. Thanks.
Here is the link:


From searches I've done on this board, I'd have to agree that it's a majano. It sounds like Joe's Juice is the best thing to get rid of them. I heard that there is a possiblity that peperment shrimp will get rid of them all in about two weeks??


Active Member
I thought this was majo, bright green centers.
Do they come in different colors? I thought i had some sort of polop, but was told its nasty mojo, got rid of mine with joes juice, but it wasn't easy



Active Member
Get it while it is still small and hasn't sent out spores yet, better chance it won't spread.


That is right, get rid of it now because they can get out of control fast!! Pretty soon I'm going to be left with no corals, thanks to them. They're like cancer - it will destroy everything in its site.


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