What are they really worth?


Active Member
I'm somewhat new to ricordeas, and what they are worth. I don't want to get "taken" on this, so I need some help. Seller wants $15 per polyp, or 5 for $70. Is it worth it? I could use any and all input on this. Thanks


Florida pinks or orange ricordea not sure of scientific name smae will have different color mouths but they call them the same thing


That's about right for that color scheme. You're not going to find nice color combinations for $5 or $10 a polyp like you can get green ones for.


Active Member
I got one as a hitchhiker and I've fragged it once already. It is REALLY weird. It is translucent with creme-colored snowflake-like bumps on it. Any idea what kind? No way I can post a pic, it would be so blurry as to be useless.


Active Member
i was thinking they were florida rics too. the buyer said they get 1-2" in size. i'm still debating.
mudplayerx- i have a ric that is translucent also, very small and hard to get a picture of (that isn't crazy blurry). I'll do some research. I got it from a local, maybe they'll know the name.


A year ago all ricordias in Tampa were $10 per polyp regardless of color. Now only the common green rics are $10 and all other color morphs are $15 per polyp. 1 LFS gives a 20% discount with the purchase of 10 polyps or more.


All depends on what you want.
10-$15 dollars a polyp is moderate for an individual seller.
I would spend it if it was a color that was different and something I really liked.
Hell.. whats another 10-$15 bucks ...Justa drop in the bucket


It sounds about right to me (Long Island, NY). I just got a rock with 10 bright green polyps about 1.5 to 2 inches across on it for $90


Active Member
I have a few of these. They are a common Florida Ricordea, but are one of the nicest colored Florida rics out there IMO. They grow and spread easily with low/med light and low flow. Mine seem to split every two months or so, almost doubling in size every time. I'd say that $10-$15/polyp is about average for these.


Active Member
man... i wish i had those prices..... one LFS closest to me (25 mins away) has never had rics to my knowlege (trust me.... i go there often enough to know if they would have them...lol) and another one right across the boarder in mass(45mins away) has some. They have some beautiful corals! but they area all so expensive! orange ricordrias floridas are 35, blues are 30, and greens are 20....... Rics are my fav corals by the way......


Active Member
I have been just recently PC (AKA Window) shopping for Ricordea.
I think what you should really look out for in the online world is the shipping and handling charges. After you factor this in on the super low price sites, you may end up paying more than a LFS or what may be considered a high price online store that includes shipping in the price to begin with.
If your going to quote pricing it should be delivered pricing. There is some difference between ship from and ship to distances/pricing. I can guarantee $5.00 online is not delivered
I'll bet S/H is somewhere in the area of $38.00


Active Member
shipping from websites can be pricey, that's why I like to purchase from LFS or local hobbyists. Shipping on this particular ricordea rock was going to be $15.


Aound here your baxic colors (blue, purple and green) run about $10. Your more exotic colors 2 colored rics (orange blue, pink purple, green orange) run about $20 per.
Here is a pick of my bed of rics. I only have 4 now but the orange one and the blue one are about to split. My goal is to have the bottom center of my tank nothing but a ric bed



Schadiest1- Just thought I would mention about the pic you posted
this is what i'm going with to start....
Excellent site and sales. I've ordered in the past from them. Great quality and top notch folks.
I'm not trying to advertise for them, just letting you know they are a good deal and quality product.