What are you feeding your Anthias


My anthias ( sun burst ) eat the realy small peices of flak food. Is there something else I can feed. I also see them going after the cyclop eeze.


Active Member
Anthias are known to eat small crustacians like rodifers and cyclopeeze. I had a sunburst who refused all foods i gave it, as they are known to do. I have a lyretail who eats anything i put in the tank except algae sheets. I have a queen anthias known to refuse to eat like the sunburst, and i had a heck of a time getting him to eat, but he finally took some cyclopeeze and rodifers, he will also eat live brine, but i don't like feeding him that more then afew times a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Rods Food ???
It's a great blend...since I can't put the link do a google search on rod's + reef
you will not be sorry :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Guess I'm lucky they eat the fourmula 1 flake food. What are Rodifers?? Where can I buy them?
You can buy them frozen at most lfs. They are small crustacians. I basically feed my fish home made foods, but they also like my corals food (rodifers and cyclopeeze & also DT's.)


It's actually "rotifers"

Reef Nutrition sells rotifers, and they supply most LFS. Call around and see which LFS might carry their products.


Active Member
san francisco bay brand reef plankton. Anthias and corals all go nuts for it even the 1rst time I fed it. I feed them frozen mysis. feed them prime reef flakes as well. then again I have lyretails which arent hard to feed anyway. they feed greedily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
san francisco bay brand reef plankton. Anthias and corals all go nuts for it even the 1rst time I fed it. I feed them frozen mysis. feed them prime reef flakes as well. then again I have lyretails which arent hard to feed anyway. they feed greedily.
Yeah, my lyrtail eats everything i put in the tank, but my sunburst wouldn't touch it, and either will my queen, but still working on getting him to