what are your guys opinion on the coralife needlewheel super skimmer


ive heard both good and bad things. first ive heard that the setup for these things are rediculious and have very poor setup instructions. second they require minor to frequent adjustment from what ive heard. and last and probably the most significant problem is that they use a proprietary pump. other skimmers in the similar class and price range generally allow use of different brand and style pumps. im running the remora pro which requires no adjustment and can run almost any submersible pump. as for the quality of the coralife SS ive heard that they work well, however ive never used one personally. do a search on the coralife SS there are many reviews here as well as other forums.


just going by the size of the skimmer and comparing them to a "top of the line" skimmer I'd say the Coralife's are over rated (or would that be under rated?) Their largest model says up to 220 gals, I'd say more like 100 gals tops.
I'd suggest an ASM over this skimmer.


I thank he wants to hear from people that have them.If money was no option everybody would buy the top of the line.I have one running on my 150 reef and it does take out some very smelly stuff.


Originally Posted by techrider6
I thank he wants to hear from people that have them.If money was no option everybody would buy the top of the line.I have one running on my 150 reef and it does take out some very smelly stuff.

You could setup a tiny Lee's counter current skimmer on my 120 that would take out "some very smelly stuff" That doesn't mean very much...These types of skimmers all pretty much work the same and size DOES MATTER.
I didn't see where he asked for opinions from only people who have them.


Originally Posted by bigmac
You could setup a tiny Lee's counter current skimmer on my 120 that would take out "some very smelly stuff" That doesn't mean very much...These types of skimmers all pretty much work the same and size DOES MATTER.
I didn't see where he asked for opinions from only people who have them.
But he ask about the super skimmer not others


I have one, and i like it. It wasnt that hard to setup and once i got it tuned in where i liked it, it was good to go. It pulls some nasty sludge out of the water if you dry skim, and it pulls nasty green water out if you wet skim, for the price its very well made and works very well.


Active Member
I rate it high as far as my opinion goes. I have two of them and if I needed another skimmer it would be a CSS once again.
The above mentrioned problems have all been straightened out. The only real problem was the included instructions. Coralife now has a revised setup install sheet on their webiste and it corrects any problems. Even if setup worng, they were never a skimmer that required constant fiddling with. If you kept your bubbles in the reactor column right, they stayed there, and now with the new instal instructions its trouble free and fiddle free. Mine removes wet or dry depends n what I want and it removes it efficiently. Its quiet, no micro bubbles introduced into the tank. If I can get a better skimmer for a hundred or two bucks more, I just do not know how it would improve my water any better as the CSS does the job, all without an over inflated price tag or a name some folks would die to have the opportunity to claim as a product they own.


Originally Posted by techrider6
But he ask about the super skimmer not others

Turbonut, If your ever out in Alta Loma (aka Rancho Cucamonga) shoot me an e-mail, you can stop by and see in person what I'm talking about.


Active Member
Ok I can post on this topic. I just got mine on the 15th and yes the instructions are a little elusive but (shameless plug for the members) people who have them will post answers if you have questions and post it and they’re pretty right on with the answers. The whole trick I would say is when you set it up make sure all the plumping is as tight, meaning “put pipe A into hole B and it’s as tight as you can get it. Water level ½ inch above red locking ring. Turn you outlet till the bubbles are right to the bottom of your collection cup and let it break in. when you see the bubbles are lower then when you started, turn the outlet knob a little more till the bubbles are right to the collection cup again. If the water level falls below the red lock down ring turn your pump up till the water level rises to the red ring and go back to adjust your bubbles to the bottom of the cup again and after the break in period the final tweaks are adjusted and just like that its done. The flex tub on the outlet pipe you have to cut it so its about an inch deep in the black foam diffuser NOT an inch above the white foam diffuser. Time really is the key to any skimmer it needs to culture. Check out the pics of mine I have my outlet cocked at a 75 degree angle to help relieve the micro bubbles instead of being straight down like the manual says, but ever body and piece of equipment is different you just have to tweak it so it works for you. I have to give



Active Member
Originally Posted by techrider6
I thank he wants to hear from people that have them.If money was no option everybody would buy the top of the line.I have one running on my 150 reef and it does take out some very smelly stuff.
I would think Bigmacs' (Mark) opinion shouldn't be overlooked.....He knows his business and has been in the game alittle to long to give bad info......or misleading info. When it comes to the skimmer they are nice, easy to use, but for that cash that your paying for the CSS I'd save alittle more cash and get me something on the line of an ASM or GEO skimmer......
And guess what guys.....CSS aren't in the same class as the 2 skimmers mentioned above.....


I have seen several of these in sumps and they work great placed inside of the sump, as for hanging them on the tank I would pass on this skimmer.Who wants tha big black box for the water return in side their tank.


Active Member
I don't use the "big black" diffuser boxes, I have nothing more than a foal prefilter sleeve on mine, and only about 1/2" of the foam filter sleeve is actually in the water, which equates to a 2" x 1/2" puck sized diffuser.......Not even noticeable..


When i was looking at the they had that huge diffuser box on them and then you hung the skimmer on the side of the tank you gout all kinds of over spray.


All I can say is mine 220 gallon unit is in the sump and after the initial break in I don't think I have had to touch the adjustment if the water level is stable in the sump. As for the operation it does what it is supposed to do. Now if I could only teach it something new like cook dinner or do water changes!


Active Member
I've got the 125 on my 72 bow with 29 gallon sump and I really like it. The setup wasn't too bad or hard. This skimmer is probably not the best out there. But it does work and I get plenty of skimmate out of mine. And it's cheaper than many skimmers.
I have a Jebo 180 on another tank and there is absolutely no comparison. That thing overflows, then doesn't produce any skimmate, it's almost worthless. People in this thread seem to be leaning toward the CSS not being very good, well compare it to this Jebo and it will seem like a dream come true. If you've got the money, get a euro-reef or ASM. If you want to save a little, get the CSS.