What can fit???


I have a 15g tall tank with about 50-60pounds of live rock maybe more
and about 20pounds live sand. I have 2 clown fish and a small cleaning crew. What i want to know is what else can fit in the tank with out being to much. I ask this because i once had a 25g tank and i put about 7 small fish in there or what i thought were small fish and they all died. when i had the water tested the ammona was to high the guy at the fish store said there were too many fish in the tank. O well I just wanted some input on this tank hoping for some good info from the experts
attaced is a photo or two of my tank( i hope i never put a photo on here before)



Active Member
I think you have a little too much rock. If its only a 15 gal, you really only want about 30 lbs, 40 at the most.
As for fish the two clowns and maybe a bi-color blenny.
You might be able to push it with adding either a clown gobie or a neon gobie.
Your tank is pretty small.


isnt live rock the best filtration?
throw a small skimmer on that bad boy. i think youve got room for at least 2 more.


Active Member
I think there is a good amoutn of live rock in there. Just rockscaping needs to happen. It's leaning on glass a lot. Besides the two occ's (one looks like a maroon, anyone else see that?) I'd say a jawfish (thats realyl enough SB for one, they don't NEED dsb.) or a shrimpgoby. I'd vote Yasha Haze. I quite like the tank though. I'm moving soon and am contemplating my future tank size. I think i may go 15 now due to this one.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I think you have a little too much rock. If its only a 15 gal, you really only want about 30 lbs, 40 at the most.
As for fish the two clowns and maybe a bi-color blenny.
You might be able to push it with adding either a clown gobie or a neon gobie.
Your tank is pretty small.
Sorry but personaly I like all the rock
and yes i do need to rockscape it a little i just moved and i kinda just threw it in there
but when i do fix it i will post the new pics for you to see.
PS they swin in, around, on top of, and under the rock. I think they likw all the rock it gives them more places to hide :) I think???


Originally Posted by nYgel
I think there is a good amoutn of live rock in there. Just rockscaping needs to happen. It's leaning on glass a lot. Besides the two occ's (one looks like a maroon, anyone else see that?) I'd say a jawfish (thats realyl enough SB for one, they don't NEED dsb.) or a shrimpgoby. I'd vote Yasha Haze. I quite like the tank though. I'm moving soon and am contemplating my future tank size. I think i may go 15 now due to this one.
If you do go with the 15 its a 15 tall tank it fits on a 10g stand. When I fix the rock I will post the new pic. O and yes that is a maroon clown, the other one is a false clown aka "NEMO" as my son would say
PS thank you for all your info, and looking for more.


Thank You Rebel Well i told you I would post a new pic when I redid the rock work and here it is!!! I think they like it??? I know they like all the caves and tunels i made.



I like all the rock too, especially now with the new arrangement...and I also agree with some of the other posters about the gobie suggestions.
But...I would somehow try to get all my rock to sit at the very bottom of the tank on the glass instead of on the sandbed. (I know, easier said than done!). Some gobies tend to like burrowing in the sand and sift all through it...i would be concerned about them weakening the sand foundation for the rock and causing your aquascape to shift or possibly collapse. You can avoid that altogether by getting your rock to sit on the glass. Looking good!