what can i add to make my tank and corals thrive?


I have a 30g with frog spawn which has really thrived over the past two months. I also have one stalk of xenia which is small, I add calcium which my friend gave to me for free but I am running out. I am going to buy more, what kind do you guys recommend, also what other water supplements should I be adding to help my corals and fish?
I have a spotted mandarin goby as well, I feed live brine every other week. I am also planning on getting a bubble tip for my two clowns.


Active Member
you should only be adding what you test for.
if your testing things you will know what to add. like calcium alkalinity and magnesium, some test and add strontium as well.
other than foods of course


water changes and proper maintenance.
my corals LOVE cyclopeez every once in a while, it's like coral crack