What can I add ?

trigger t

New Member
I have a 72 gallon bowfront fish only tank with a 5 inch Coral Hog, 4 inch Bursa Trigger,and a 3 inch Valentini Puffer and wanted to know what I could add that would be on about the same diet as the rest of my fish.


Active Member
I would add a wrasse. I particularly like the male paddelfin wrasses, but a bird wrasse would be cool as well.

trigger t

New Member
What about another Trigger like a Pinktail or Niger , I will be moving in about 5 months and will be getting a 125 would this work, also I am not using live rock in this tank I have live sand and artificial rock is this a problem.


Active Member
LR would definitely help you add larger fish, it'll increase your ability to hold a larger bioload.
I'd wait to buy things for your bigger tank. If you're going to move in a month and reacclimate something to a larger tank, that's a lot of additional stress on both you and fish. Believe me, I just completed a move, and I started wishing I sold more fish than I did, every additional fish took a lot more effort and energy, not to mention O2 tabs.:yes:

trigger t

New Member
I'm not moving next month I am moving in about 5 to 6 months , I went to the LFS and asked them about putting another trigger in my tank with the Bursa and they said that as long as it wasn't another Rhinecanthus Trigger I should be all right ,so I went ahead and bought a Niger about 3 inches and added more Rock work my flitration right no is a Emperor 400, cyclone bak pak bio filter and protien skimmer,and H.O.T magnum canister filter, I also have a penguin 1140 power head and just bought another 1140 should I add it to my Tank or is there enough ciculation.


Active Member
Its always nice to have more circulation, maybe set it on low for now. U went and got the trigger anyway? Triggers DO need a good amount of room to swim, and I dont no if 2 triggers will be okay for 5-6 months. Fish stores will tell u anything within reason to make a sale, but there is also the chance that u may have gotten an aggressive fish. Some fish can be aggressive, others calm, in the same species. Its like, they SAY itll be allright, but ya never no how the fishll act. My lfs told me that SOOO many fish would act well togehter, but that didnt happen. Wasted tons of money on fish that way. I guess if u get that 125 going, u should be okay, just make sure the fish dont start attacking the other tank mates to establish power or sumthing like that...

trigger t

New Member
It's not a for sure thing for the 125 I could go bigger there is also a nice 150 but it's shaped like a giant square the sides and back are equal to each other and I kinda like the longer tanks , I also have a 40 gallon tank I just recently took down that I could use for a sump which would increase my overall water capacity,would a longer tank be a better choice.


Active Member
Yes, longer and wider, lol. Same preference for guys with tanks as girls with...guys
A longer, wide tank, not too tall, would be great. Taller tanks are more for like cichlids and freshwater fish, even seahorse, but most saltwaterfish like length the best. If u really wanted a nice one, ud grab a 180. They are 6 feet long and like 2/3 feet wide by 2 feet tall. Pretty nice, but $$$.