What can I do wwith a 10 Gallon?


My friend is giving me a 10 gallon aquarium setup, I am interested in setting up with saltwater, any suggestions for what I can do with a 10 gallon tank? maybe inverts only?
Thanks in advance...


Check out the nano forum here for TONS of ideas. Also, if this is your first SW tank be sure to do a lot of research before buying anything. A 10 can be a successful tank but it takes work and knowledge.
That being said, there are lots of small fish that can go in that tank. You can keep 1-2 fish along with inverts and have a nice tank.


its a lot harder to set up but I think its the only way you should start off in the saltwater world, Its like boot camp. I mean it teaches you a lot.


Active Member
First tank = ten gallons .... I'd look @ getting either a small clownfish or a pair of small damsels ... most likely the damsels .... they are hardier and cheap.
I would also do a ton of research .... you have a month or more while your tank cycles -use that time wisely ....