What can I do


Active Member
I started a 5g nano that will be corals and inverts only. It has 4wpg and im not going to go any larger with the light due to money restrictions. The tank isnt deep at all so I know there are plenty of corals I could do. Anybody ever try frogspawn with that wattage?


Active Member
with that wattage yes, in that small of a tank no (i have not tried, but let me know how it goes), the main problem with a tank of that size is going to be keeping the quality of the water okay. by not having any fish you are greatly reducing your chances of a problem, but in something that small the corals will be enough to change your water qualities. You might try some mushrooms, or zoos, also xenia and toadstool leathers may work for you even though the toadstools will get huge, also try starburst colonies, or candycane corals. i still recommend a bigger tank, but i know that is not always an option