What can you keep with a dogface puffer?

What type of fish are compatable with a dogface puffer? I have a 90gallon salt water tank to fill, it is done cycling with damsels that will be ok to removethe damsels or act as food.


Do you think I can have my sohal tang and bird wrasse with a dogfaced puffer in my 125. I also want to get a picasso trigger.
Surgeonfish and wrasses are compatible, but the trigger fish are caution required with pufferfish. I would check to see why?


If the Picasso is on the smaller side, then maybe.. Definatelynot a Clown Trigger. That's why I opted for the Hummu. I have a Porcupine puffer, a Damsel, a snowflake eel. The Hummu and a Maculosous angel are in QT right now.


Active Member
Not all surgeons and wrasses are compatible. Sohols you have to be careful about. They can be a nasty fish. I have seen many Sohols be quite tough and hold their own with clown triggers. If your Sohol isn't very nasty, the puffer should be fine.
I would not advise putting a humu humu or picasso in with a dogface puffer though. I have seen triggers mess with the dogface to the point where he got swollen eyes from the trigger picking on him. A lot is compatible with a dogface though as long as you keep the dogface happy and fed. Dogfaces and porcupines aren't usually very agressive fish, so many things can go in with them including groupers, wrasses, tangs, angels, lions etc. Just no aqua popcorn like blennies and gobies and things on the smaller side.


Active Member
Humu Humu and picasso are the same fish. Hows about ya dump the trigger and get a volitan instead? Sohal/bird wrasse/puffer and lion would be a nice combo.


I keep a big volitans and a zebra moray with mine. No worries. At one time I had a harlequin tusk in there as well before he bought the ich farm. If you decide to add a trigger make sure he's the last guy in the tank.
Edit: Oh yeah, some puffers are notorious for nipping at lionfish fins. Mine doesn't but others have experienced this.


First your going to want to see what type of personality your Puffer has. Then go from there.
If it's pretty mellow, go for a lionfish.
Wrasses are nice fish, lots of different choices for them. I like tusks.
A Small planktonic trigger would be nice or maybe a picasso *have attitudes sometimes.
Large angels, tangs, and various peeble toothed eels work out too.


just bought a small dogface pufferfish - have hippo tang, and 2 clowns - is this ok - oh I have a 90 gallon tank, lots of rive rock and some coral in there now.
Also what do you feed the pufferfish. the fish is maybe 3inches long now.


Hi, Innsmouth is right on about puffers bein notorious fin nippers, especially of lionfish. And triggers are suppost to be the same with lions as well, but many people luck out. It's all about how much risk you wanna take, and how good of a return policy your lfs has. lol. Clown triggers seem to be the nastiest. Picaso triggers are a little nicer, but not much. I love triggers though, they have such amazing personalities. I just wouldn't get a fish that's gonna be to small for your puffer. They love to go after fish that possibly can fit into thier mouth, kinda like lions. Good luck, ~Ali


Active Member

Originally posted by grandmarm
just bought a small dogface pufferfish - have hippo tang, and 2 clowns - is this ok - oh I have a 90 gallon tank, lots of rive rock and some coral in there now.
Also what do you feed the pufferfish. the fish is maybe 3inches long now.

I hope you don't have live coral in there because the puffer may think it is food. However, it should be fine with those fish.
You should feed the puffer a variation of meaty foods such as prawn, krill, squid, blackworms, etc. Just make sure you mix it up.


I have a very sweet and mellow dog face puffer. I have had Harlequin tusk fish with him and that worked great. I have a fairly new tank and have had 2 H tusks die on me. After I get past my ich - Hypo treatment I will retry a Harlequin Tusk. Great fish.
The other fish I currently have is a Purple sailfin Tang. Lovely personality. Both go well with a dog face puffer.