What can you use to help injured fish?


Just having territorial problems with damsels. I have two dominos that are attacking my yellow-tails and wondered if anyone has ever used something to repair damaged scales, fins, and tail?
My domino attacked my yellow tails as well, for the fins and tails, just add some vitamins and stress coat, adn they will grow back. When my yellow tail had scaled missing, he was not able to get better and died from the wound he had on his side from the domino. I would try new fishes, find some that are better suited in the same tank.

mr . salty

Active Member
I'd loose the domino. I've heard alot of stories about them,and none are good. As for the others,you'll be surprised how fast they will heal.But in addition to thier wounds,if they are conatantly being harassed by the domino,the stress will do them in. Watch for red streaks in their fins.This will be an infection,treat with antibiotics. And signs of fungus,Fuzzy white spots.GOOD LUCK Think about LOOSING THE DOMINO............STEVE


I also had a really mean domino damsel. After about 8 months, the other damsels in the tank gang-banged him to death and are now very happy. Before he died, I was considering putting my other damsels in my hospital tank to keep it cycled and happy in case I ever needed it for anything. Hope you can find a solution. Incidentally, my lfs won't sell people damsels unless they sit through a lecture on how mean they are.


Here I come, a few days later than everyone else...
My Domino 1.5" KILLED my NIGER TRIGGER 3" & PANTHER GROUPER 4" over territorial battles with PLENTY of hiding places in a period of 48 hrs apart, that's when I went back to fresh, though recently I'm giving salt another try..., but I'll never get another Domino...I had all three together for two months before problems arose... Mebbe it's just me?


Here I come, a few days later than everyone else...
My Domino 1.5" KILLED my NIGER TRIGGER 3" & PANTHER GROUPER 4" over territorial battles with PLENTY of hiding places in a period of 48 hrs apart, that's when I went back to fresh, though recently I'm giving salt another try..., but I'll never get another Domino...I had all three together for two months before problems arose... Mebbe it's just me?


Unfortunately the dominos did in my last two yellow tails. I took those mean territorial fish back to the store and traded them in for better community fish. I'm still waiting for my tank to cycle and nitrites have increased(good sign) I guess. Anyway, I know never to get dominos again. Those fishes are little devils.