what causes ich?


can a unhealthy coral cause ich?
can a dead fish in tank cause ich?
if you have 2 fish in a tank and both fish die of ich, what are the next steps to take before adding fish again without having a ich problem?


Please note that the search feature at this forum is very powerful/useful...
The answers to most of your questions can be obtained by typing them in on the search option.
If you are new to the board just a pointer that general questions like what is Ich... will most likely not get answered even tho many if not most of us on the board know what it is...
The best way to get knowledge (and there is tons of it here, believe me as I have been at this for 25 years and am still hungry to learn more...) here is to search and read all you can...
THEN after you acquired some general knowledge on a subject which usually has been re-hashed perhaps hundreds of times you can ask SPECIFIC questions to your situation and members will be more likely to give you responses.