What chemicals should I put in my reef tank?


Hi All!
Thanks for reading this post. I have a fish/reef tank with about 12 different corals and they have been doing ok in the tank but I have noticed they do not really grow too much. I do not add anything into the tank for the corals..
I want to start adding chemicals to the tank so my corals will grow faster and look better what should I add?
Please provide names of the different stuff I should add.. I'm trying to be as simple as possible with adding things so if there is a mult-chemical that would be great.

aztec reef

Active Member
there's nothing really in a bottle that will make your corals grow faster. all you need to do is occasionally feed them,have good lighting & good water parameters like calcium, alk, & magnesium the rest of the stuff water changes will replenish it...


Water change
calcium if u need
and dkh buffers
iron if u have corals that rely on it. like the flower pot n macro algae.


Active Member
With 12 corals, you probably have low calcium, and maybe alk and magnesium too.
Get some test kits and start dosing with B-Ionic 2-part additive.


Active Member
The first thing you need are test kits for calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. These are the things you need to test for and possibly dose if they are low.


Active Member
Don't put any chemicals in your tank uless you have the capabilities to test for it. If you plan on dosing calcium, then buy a calcium test kit also.