What chemicals to use?


I have a 29g reef that I just started. I have a dual satilite with PC 50/50s on it for lighting. I have a seaba anenome, a zoo, and 2 other softies that I forgot the name of (new at this...sorry). I am going to add more coral and fish down the line and I was told that I would need to start adding some cheminals such as iron, iodine, calcium. Does anyone else do this? Are there more cemicals I need to add? and instead of adding all differnt liquid chemicals is there a product out there that will give me evrythign I need?


Generally the best thing to do with a tank that small is to just do weekly water changes. These will take care of replenishing all your levels. Adding chemicals to a small tank is risky because it is easy to over dose and some things that need to be there for healthy tanks like most things can become leathal at too high of levels.


Originally Posted by edizzle
I have a 29g reef that I just started. I have a dual satilite with PC 50/50s on it for lighting. I have a seaba anenome, a zoo, and 2 other softies that I forgot the name of (new at this...sorry). I am going to add more coral and fish down the line and I was told that I would need to start adding some cheminals such as iron, iodine, calcium. Does anyone else do this? Are there more cemicals I need to add? and instead of adding all differnt liquid chemicals is there a product out there that will give me evrythign I need?
good water changes will replace the trace element that are used up, how old is your tank ? just for a little info, update your lighting to at least T5 or halide if you wish to keep the anemone healthy, they are very light demanding inverts.


Active Member
thats what i do. i do bi-weekly water changes with tropic marine salt mix. i love this stuff/