what clowns can you put together??


I'm new to this fish thing.. but I have a cinn clown and I had a yellow& black clown which was meaner than all get out. I got rid of him today and the cinn clown is happy as could be. I found these 2 great clowns and added them to the tank today. They are black and white. The cinn clown is attacking the larger one...
What do I do??? The cinn clown finally hosted to the one that the yellow& black one had. Since he's gone, he's a sleep at the top and the other 2 aren't near they're host. You think they will be ok together?


Active Member
Mixing species of clownfish is usually not a good idea.
The dominant fish will usually continually harrass the smaller fish until they are removed or killed.
If your tank is big enough, it may work, but in anything less than a 6' tank, I wouldn't attempt it.


Active Member
Alright, I'm assuming that's a 4' tank, good amount of swimming space.
If its intraspecies harrassment, its probably the larger trying to take the dominant role over the smaller.
Were the 2 in the same tank previously? Also, what species are they? B&W covers about half the clownfish species.