What comes out of live rock?


I just set up my first SW tank in years... it's 29g and all I have in it so far is a bed of ls and about 22 lbs lr. I've gotten two snails and a tiny purple mini-anenome looking thing, possibly a featherduster, though. There is some purple coraline growth... a few wormy looking things, but what else might come out? It's premium fij rock that i brought cured from my lfs around the corner, which they'd had in their tanks about 6 months. Can I expect any new surprises? Thanks for any info...


Active Member
just llok up hitchikers in the archives and you'll see alot of what can come from live rock.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
just llok up hitchikers in the archives and you'll see alot of what can come from live rock.
thanks - can i expect the coraline growth i have to spread over time??


Active Member
definatly, keep your flow high and your calcium levels in the apropriate range and it will spread, I often have to clean it off my front glass.