What coral for a nano?



I have a 24 gal nano tank. What types of corals and anemones can I put? I also have a clown, a bangaii cardinal, and 2 pepermint shrimp.


I have a JBJ Lighting 24G NANO cube. It comes will 2 36 watt CF lamps. So overall 72 watts of compact fluorescent lighting (ha compied from the webside). the LFS said I could put a bubble tip in it but im curious of they r trying to make a sale and it will die later....


They are trying to make a sale or they dont know what they talking about. Stick to LPS, or mushies, or Zoas. Look into mods for the tank. They are SO worth while. NO ANEMONES unless they are non photosynthetic. NO SPS. RESEARCH!!!! Then you can have fun, be successful, and learn to know what you are doing. Good luck. BE PATIENT, and ALWAYS RESEARCH FIRST>


Active Member
a bta will be fine in a 24 gallon nano. but u hv to be sure ur tank is established for at least 6 months. given that the 24 nano is not that deep, it is ok. i hv kept one in the 24 nano w that light b4 for 3 months. since then i hv moved him to my bigger reef tank w my clown. the only problem w bta in a nano tho is the bta might sting other nearby corals. with that light, u can try monti sps on top, but add an extra powerhead for flow. again ur tank must be up for a while.


Active Member
You can do some plate coral, chili coral, zoos, mushrooms, ricordias, sun coral (look at my thread for a pic they are BEAUTIFUL https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/280589/updated-pics-24g-nano )I after learning alot from this site would say no to anemones also. I kept one in my 24g nano for 2 1/2 months with stock lighting with no problems but at about 6 months or so they will show signs of distress. Also agreed that the tank "should" (I say it like that as mine was put in IMMEDIATLY after cycle and is A-OK) be established for around 6 months or so first.


do i need lighting upgrades to keep those corals or will i be ok with 2 36 watt CF lamps. If i do want to upgrade what kind of lights can i put in a jbj lighting 24G nano cube deluxe?


Active Member
You will be able to keep all soft corals, pretty much everything Peef has in his tank will be ok for yours. Minus the anemone, which IMO will be ok in your tank for a while but long term you will need to upgrade your lighting. The reality is most anemones without high intensity lighting only live a couple of years before they wither and die. But in either case a mutured tank of at least 6 months 8 to be better before you consider one.
There are a number of different choices to go with if you want to upgrade your lighting. a search for nano customs will show you there are alot of choices. For now you have sufficient lighting for softies, and some LPS. Good Luck and post pics...