What corals should i get?



This is my first post on this site. I have had my tank for 4 months now. I have a 6 line wrasse, 2 maroon clowns, and a flame angel. I plan on getting just a couple more fish in my tank pretty soon. I have a hammer coral, red zoos, orange carnation, and a torch coral. I was wondering what corals you recommend for my 4 foot 55 gallon tank. All of my corals are red-orange/brown/green so i don't want more of those colors. I have learned a lot from this site just by reading and i hope that i get some good replies.


Welcome to the boards.

In order to make a helpful recommendation on what kind of corals you should add to your system it would be helpful to know what kind of lighting you have. For example, if you have CF lighting then the only corals would be softies. If you have MH lights then the possibilities are endless.
My recommendation is to see what kind of lights you have. Then gather a list of everything you could possibly keep under those lights. Then go to the fish photography section on these forums and do some searches for those corals. Then you can get a really good idea how the corals are looking in other peoples tanks. Also, you will know what you can and can not keep in there so that when you go to the LFS you pretty much know if you can get that pretty coral that catches your fancy or not. Hope this made sense?


I have a 250 watt metal halide and 2 96 what compact flourescents. One of my two LFS's said i shouldn''t have a tank with hard and soft corals in it. I thought he was crazy. I have never heard of that. I think i want to get a white/yellow devils hand leather. It looks really nice.


Active Member
With MH possiblities are endless. you can keep hard and soft corals togeter, some people say putting leathers with sps slows down their growth. I have a mix and everything is fine. Softies at the top, sps and lps at the top. Leathers do release toxins in the water, so you want them far away from your sps as possible, with air flow away from them. i have a green finger leather, its a nice leather, very colorful and easy to keep.
OH yeah, welcome to the boards


is the only difference between large and small polyps size, or is there something else that differentiates the two?


I saw some nice blue Blastos in the lfs yesterday that would look nice in my tank!!...(Dont have the lights for it yet though...


Active Member
SPS And LPS are both hard corals. LPS has large polops, SPS, small. LPS are corals like bubbles and candy canes. SPS are corals like acros and montis. LPS are usually easier to keep, need less light and flow. SPS are more light demanding and like a stronger flow. Here is a pic of both together. The light green LPS (candycane) is on the left. SPS ( purple montipora) is on right.


Thanks Puffer32

OK, now that i know what hard corals are, are there any SPS or LPS you recommend at a good price. I love blastos but they are a little expensive in my book. Just some nice colorful ones would be nice. Also, does anyone have a blue tortuosa? I have seen some small frags for 100 bucks. They have such a cool neon blue color which i love so much.
So if you could tell me some hard corals that you have owned, please state what it is, how to take care of it, and how it was in your tank.
And if anyone had/has a blue tortuosa, i would like to know a lot about it.


There was a guy selling some Green candy canes for $5 bucks in the selling/trading forum. Might wanna try there..