What corals should I get?


New Member
Hi there!
After starting a 60 reef and killing most corals due to crappy lighting, I am starting over. I sold the shitty LED's from ***** I got, and buying 2 (and later on one more) LED fixtures. They are 165W. I'm wondering what would be good to start off with? I am starting from ground zero. I had an ich outbreak so everyone was out, but 3 months later here I go again. I have a 60 gallon tank, with those 2 LED's, live rock, inverts, and around 6 fish that are done with quarantine, and have been in the tank for a month or two.
I keep hearing mushrooms, but they bore me after a while. I love variety and color. PLEASE recommend what is good for me. I LOVE fish, I LOVE my tanks, and I LOVE reefs. I really want something beautiful that flourishes, rather than looks great for a few weeks and then dies.
ANY advice helps. Happy holidays to you all!



What LED's were u using before?? (I ask because I am setting up a 90g and am unsure of which route to go for lighting)


New Member
I was using fluval sea reef led's or whatever from ***** for hundreds. I got them free luckily from a friend who works there. I had like 5-6 of them


Well-Known Member

I don't know much about LED lighting. But I hear words like 2 or 3, and 5 or 6 of them???? My LED light for drying my salon style fingernails have 36 led lights. The lighting really isn't all that important if you get the right corals. Some of the really colorful corals don't care much for lights at all.

To name just a few
  • Sun coral
  • Chili coral
  • Blueberry gorgonians
    Carnation coral
    Sea pens

The needs of non-photosynthetic corals are a little different, they need good strong water flow, and you have to make sure they are fed well, which leads to doing your water changes often.
Here is an example I pulled off the internet, of a tank with nothing that requires much light, if any at all....How's that for eye popping color...


New Member
well when i say those numbers I mean the amount of fixtures! But thank you for the advice! I will take a look at them.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by dannywwhite http:///t/396869/what-corals-should-i-get#post_3535985
well when i say those numbers I mean the amount of fixtures! But thank you for the advice! I will take a look at them.

LOL...I don't know a thing about them, as is very obvious.

I was just offering a look at the beauty of non-photosynthetic coral. We all go and break the bank on super expensive lighting, when there are corals for every type of light we already have. Back when I kept a reef tank, I upgraded 4xs...When I finally could get the MH lights, I didn't even like them. They ran hot and the unit was heavy. The LEDs look promising, but they cost so much...I would rather spend my money on coral then forever upgrading the lights.