what corals to feed?

I have 2 mushroom rocks, and a button polyp rock. Do either of these require specific feeding? I am also looking into a few different types of leather corals for my next coral.
How big of tanks does something like a toadstool leather need, waht kind of lighting, and do they need fed?


mushrooms and polyps benefit from supplements of phytoplankton that can be added directly to the tank or blasted onto the mushrooms w/ a turkey blaster. some types of mushrooms like an occasional feeding of meat.


Active Member
i dont ever feed my shrooms or polyps directly. I just dose DT'S every week and let the zooxanthellae feed the coral (polyps) on its own.


aarone: you just dose DT's once a week? Can you overfeed? underfeed? how do you know which you are doing? I dose every other day DTs, directly onto corals that i think prefer more murkey conditions. I have had good luck. i think my protein skimmer removes most of the zooxanthellae over the course of a day. do i have that wrong?


Active Member
well if your protein skimmer is removing the zooxanthellae then your corals are dead. It is the symbiotic photosynthetic algae that lives within the coral. I just does DT's once a week because i have a 28 gallon. It is different for other sizes.