What corals with PC ?


Hey all
I was wondering what corals I could keep under 300 or so watts in aregular 55 gallon tank ? I really want some ricordea......


you can totally do rics and other mushrooms. as well as zoas, other softies like leathers, LPS like frogspawn, torch, hammers, plates, bubbles, and nonphotosynthetic like sun corals and gorgonians if ur willing to feed them.


Well, I kinda really wanted to start out with some I didn't have to feed or maintain, what would you recommend for my first coral


Leathers are a wonderful first coral because they don't need to be fed and are very easy to keep. Mushrooms are a good starter too. ALthough you can spot feed mushrooms, it is not necessary for their survival. They will just grow and reproduce faster if you do.


I'd go with some zoanthids or hammer coral or frogspawn. Those are all pretty cool and you can get a pretty good size frag for a relatively inexpensive cost. (compared to size->cost of others).


Zoos don't require spot feeding, do they ? and they are pretty forgiving, right ? What should I know about frogspawn, because I'd really like some of those, too ?


No zoos don't require spot feeding, actually not much really does at all. You can just spot feed things if you 'want' sometimes to get them pumped up or to grow faster. You can do just fine not spot feeding anything actually. Zoos grow well usually and don't require any work. They are pretty hardy and can get by with low lighting and moderate flow. These are about as easy as they come.
All spot feeding is, is to get some frozen Mysis Shrimp cubes (like $5-$8 at your LFS for 2 dozen or so), scoop a little tank water in a small container and disolve the cube in there. Then use like an eye-dropper or small turkey baster and suck a little bit up and then just gently squeeze it over the thing you want to feed. Some corals like Candy Cane Corals have polyps that open up with tentacles and will suck them in.
Frogspawn is totally cake. Just place it in your tank and let it grow. Just need moderate flow and will do fine. As long as you can see the lobes gently swaying in the flow you know you should be good.
Those two are great beginners and require pretty much no work. Good luck!