What could this be? Just noticed today.


New Member
I don't know if anyone here knows freshwater fish sickness, but its worth getting information...
Today I was observing my freshwater fish, and I noticed a 'pimple' on my tiger oscar. He is about 2 years old now, and this 'pimple' has not showed up before.
Please let me know if you have any ideas... I could be making a fuss about nothing, but what can it hurt to ask?
BTW, my tank is 55 galllons with 2 other cichlids and a pelco. The tank is well established with many live plants etc... I have never had problems in the past, my water levels, temperatures and stress are all ideal. He seems very normal. He is eating regulary, being active in the tank, etc...


Staff member
Sorry, I don't want to hazard a guess. I would suggest that you try finding a FW Board with knowledgable people and posting up your picture.
That looks more like a growth though, rather than a parasite.
Good luck!


New Member
ok, good suggestion. I will look for a good fw board... it has gone down in size. I started to feed him healthier food (krill, bloodworms, etc...) and I did a waterchange, and added some more plants to maintian healthiness. I belive he will be fine. Thanks for the suggestion!