What critters can I have in a fuge?


I just set up my fuge tank and I was wondering what I can have in a fuge, and what I should stay away from. What kind of plants? Are snails ok?


snaisla re good, i have alot of nassarius snails and Strombus conches in my fuge to keep deterius down, astreas are good too, Hermits wille at the macros you want to grow along with anythign else they can catch, so no crabs or shrimp, fish mgith be ok, if you dont plan on usuny your fuge as a pod factory, alot of people have seahorses or pipefish in their fuge, they eat the pods and hand out in the macros, fuges are perfects enviroments for seahorses/pipes.
Cheatomorphia is the best macro you can get.


Active Member
You can put water ever you want in your fuge. A small clean up crew would do some good to keep your sand clean.


I put a small cleanup crew in mine but I don't know if they're helping anything...
But hey, they can't be hurting!

They're definitely not going hungry...


Active Member
You can also put cleaner clams inside your fuge. Xenia can be put in there also but cannot be put with macros...they will compete for food and end up starving your macros.


yeah I heard from someone that you don't want Xenia because it will eventully work its way to your display tank. I wouldn't mind trying those cleaner clams in there too.


a 5 gallon fuge of Xenia will take out as much No4 and No3 as a 100 gallon of macro alage will, so Xenia is way betetr to have then macros, i haev Xenia,and love it.


how long have you had this set up for? Has ANY of that Xenia moved into your main tain? My fuge is buildt in the sump so there is alot of water running above it. One side has a 15" wall and then my return pump wall is only 7" tall. My fuge is about 13" deep, so I'm worried that it will float over to my return pump and slowly take over my main tank.


i have had my fuge for about 6-7 months, and the Xenia for 4-5 hasent gone in my main tank, and i have an above tank fuge, so it would eb really easy to go into the main tank, but it cant, dont worry.....