what DAMSEL is this?


I just bought this damsel, and it's so colorfull and very pretty...
Does anyone know the kind of damsel?


I saw some of these at an LFS last month. They are quite cute and colorful. They also had one full grown one...most of the preety colors had been lost but overall she lookes great.
P.S- "they" said these damsels are a bit agreesive and nasty...:)
I like them, they are unique looking.


Active Member
Looks similar to:

Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus
Or maybe:

Neoglyphidodon bonang

I take it yours is a baby? If I had to guess I'd say it is a juvenile N. bonang
, AKA Ocellated Damsel.
Note that most damsels from the Neoglyphidodon
genus are nasty as adults and usually get to be pretty drably colored. But, enjoy that cool baby while you have him!


After doing a little research, looks like it is the Multispine Damselfish (Neoglyphidodon polyacanthus) like Wax32 said. Pretty fish though...