What damsels can be put together?


New Member
Does anyone know if you can put a jeweled damsel with bi-color damsels? Currently have two bi-clolored damsels approx. 1.25 inches each in a 55 gallon.


Active Member
I had 2 jewled damels that were awesome and very calm. They were buddies. Then I got a domino damsel, and he killed a butterfly, and the other damsels. I think everyones experience is different. What else is in your tank??


I have a few different kinds of damsels and they do fight (my yellow one is queen of the tank and extremely territorial), but the fighting hasn't been physical... they kind of just grunt (it's loud!) at each other and shake their tails. Once I had three blue damsels and two of them paired up on the one and killed him. That's the only major trouble I've ever experienced. I like them because they're hardy fish and colorful, too.