What did you pay for your Clown Trigger and why are they so much.

i paid 45 for mine when he was a baby real small ,but they are expensive because of there colors and theres not many fish with these colors , i hav a old saltwater book that states way back like in 1940 not sure but a guy purchased a clowntrigger for 600 dollars i guess it depends were you are at for pricing up north they are about 65 and up for a small one ,also you don,t see alot of them like you do with clownfish


No offense... but i consider this inexpensive.
Just think when we have to purchase captive breed/captive raised fish becuz they ban collection of wild caught fish, that $85 dollar clowntrigger will look like a christmas gift.
Saltwater fish are expansive for a number of reasons and unless hobbists are prepared to pay the real price for a fish, we'll continue to see the oceans depleted of fish. If congress has its way it will stop the collection of corals and fish in a few years
Okay sorry for the rant, I'm off my soapbox
To answer your q? directly it has to do w/ everyone in between the collection point and what your LFS can figure your willing to pay for this fish. I suspect that the villager who collects this fish gets prolly 30cents-$2.00/fish. After this the holding facilty, importers, airfreight, wholesaler, shipper, etc get a chunk of the pie and lastly of course the LFS.

beach bum

I really don't think it is because they are a "rare" find. I see clown triggers in every LFS I go to. I've recently bought two fish that are harder to come by than the clown triggerfish, for less than half the cost of a clown. One of which the LFS owner said he hadn't had one in his shop ever in ten years in the hobby.
If someone will pay $85 bucks for a fish, someone else will go catch it. Maybe it used to be rarely seen for sale, and the prices just haven't come down to match the current (seemingly) large supply.
I think any fish that requires a GIANT tank with maturity should be expensive to start with, to keep people from buying them on a whim (which I have been guilty of in the past). <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


i have two clown's 1 juv and 1 adult i paid 55.00 for the juv and i paid 75.00 for the adult a few years ago. when i brought my juv a couple of months ago i asked why the clown was so cheap she told me that she got it for a cheaper price do to it being seasonal and the supply is great now. at my lfs the owner does that if she get's it for a cheaper price she will sell it for a cheaper price.