WHat did You Start With


Got my husband a freshwater tank for Christmas, 1996. Ended up doing all the work and getting REALLY into the hobby. Set up my first SW tank February of 1997.

nm reef

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Seems like I always had a fresh water system of one kind or another...Christmas of 1999 the wife bought me a 55 gal display and said..."I want you to do this one in saltwater"...now I no longer keep fresh water and that Christmas present is still costing her! Little did either of know what we would eventually spend on that 55 gal tank!!!:rolleyes:


after having successful FW tanks for 10yrs, decided to try something more challenging, and yes it has been a challenge to say the least


Active Member
We had a 55g FW since i was about 4yrs. old, when i was 13 i bout my first 55gal and went SW. SW all the way.


Started with South American cichlids. Still have some of the originals of the first tank I set up eight years ago. Since have set up countless fresh tanks and in the past couple of years set up a few salt systems at home. Alway took care of multiple systems at work(3500 gallons of FO, FOLR, Reef)(9000 gallons of planted, fresh, brackish, discus, african, south Amer., community), but not until the last two years have I had a few personal salt tanks.


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Started when I was about 7 or 8 years old with a little 5 gallon tank. I used to go the the local pond with a butterfly net and catch fish for the tank. I also used to collect snails off the rocks at the edge of the pond. For some reason they never seemed to get sick or die too often. I then had a 29 gallon fresh water tank at 13. Did not start saltwater until the last two years. Started with a little 25 gallon saltwater tank with the intention of only keeping a little tank with pygme seahorses. Well, the seahorses were too much trouble to feed live food to all the time so I got a couple of damsels, then better fish, then a bigger tank, then a bigger tank. Now I want a little bigger tank! Lesley


Active Member
I suppose it's fair to say that I started with saltwater... unless the little betta bowl my mom bought me when I was a kid counts. :D
My husband (boyfriend at the time) talked me into starting a saltwater tank with him. And now, five years later, I'm as obsessed with SW tanks as he is!


I just went with a friend to a sw store that was very nicely set up, wish it still was around. Seen octopus, 3' nurse sharks, small leopards, a few reefs, clown triggers, huge moray eels, huge tubs of live rock filled with life.
Needless to say, just a few days later I went out and picked up a 90g, power compact lights, stand, magnum 350, skilter 400, live rock, damsels (as I was told at the time), power heads, etc.... I've been addicted ever since. That was probally 2 1/2 years ago.
Never had an aquarium that, I personally took care of, before. I'd like to try a fresh water aquarium. But honestly, theres to much in salt that I'd rather do to ever have the time or space.


I started w/ fresh water about 5yrs ago had 3 tanks 1 55gallon, 1 30 gallon hex, and 1 30 gallon coffetable tank.
my 55 gallon had 1 snakehead 1 wolf fish and 1 dempsey they ate 50 gold fish once a week my 2 30 gallons I had angels and small tropical , I tried brackish water but all died


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Had a couple of freshwater tanks when I was a teenager, but dropped out for a long time. When I started back in, it was SW all the way.


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My dad set up a 20 gal extra high FW tank for me when I was 5. After a few years of maintaining that tank (basically watching the fish, and helping out with the occaisional water change), we moved the fish to a 10 gal, and just dumped some IO into the 20 (my dad kept SW in the 60's, so he had a floating glass hydrometer, and I still use it to this day-very accurate). It's entertaining looking back on that setup: airstone powered undergravel filter (I remember the salt creep being terrible on that tank), FW gravel, Penn Plax plastic plants & rocks, and other misc. FW decorations. We kept damsels, clowns, & a royal gramma in there for a few years. We moved after that setup had been going for about two years and I've kept SW of some sort ever since.


Heres my little tale. # years ago, FW 10 gallon. Then went FW 55 gallon. Then moved FW into 30 gallon, and then, I am ashamed to say jumped into SW without doing my homework. For the most part I got very lucky. Lost only one fish. It was still a shame for him. I blame my LFS but thats a different story. Now that I have found this site I have become very learned and feel confident I can move on with the hobby. I recently inherited a 75 gallon tank. So after the holidays I am going to rearange my room and set it up next to the 55, cycle it with new LR and LS and switch my livestock over to the 75. Ok I have babbled enough. Sorry!!


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Many moons ago I had a Garfield bowl that housed a beautiful male betta.
After 6 months of washing that stupid bowl 4 times a week I bought him a 5 gallon tank...
He lived there with a couple of comets and a black moor for 6 months until I got a 29 gallon tank...
Then the betta was by himself again in the 5 gallon tank and the 29 gallon had 8 fantails...
Then my boyfriend bought 2 10 gallon tanks for tropical fish and goldfish which quickly moved into a 30 gallon tank and 55 gallon tank...
Last year I bought myself a 20 gallon tank threatening to put "ocean fish" in it. For 4 months it had more goldies because I was too afraid of taking care of SW fish, but then Nemo came out. I found this website, I learned, and I built my tanks. I have 2 clowns, a CC starfish, and a zebra hermit in my 20 gallon tank now, and I was given that 30 gallon tank from my boyfriend...
I now have a 30 gallon reef. :joy: I also take care of my mom and dad's 35 gallon FOWLR. They bought it after I had shown 4 months success with my clowns.
Meanwhile, my 3 year old betta passed away so I bought 4 platys for that 5 gallon tank. I decided to give the fish back to the LFS, but for some reason I did not drain the tank like I had planned. About 3 months later, I discovered 2 baby platys in that tank!!! So, I started with a betta that my boyfriend talked me into, and now my next investment is an open brain coral. Go figure.


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Started with salt...I'm not counting my two goldfish when I was a kid.
My boyfriend got me into it...he said "salt is just like freshwater...only with salt". I believed him! Hehe. But I've never regretted getting into the hobby...or all the money I've spent over the years (which I refuse to try to estimate!):)