What do Boxing Crabs Eat?


My little guy eats all kinds of stuff off the rocks. He uses his anemone to swipe around on the sand and rocks and then cleans it. He will also eat pellet food along with some mysis shrimp. They are really fun to watch especially when they are moving in open areas. He will sway his anemone in the water as he walks sideways to warn everyone in the tank that is about to kung fu them.


i have had mine for almost 5 months! and i dont feed her anything! and she has doubled in size ! she just cleans the rocks and finds her own food i guess! als she is on the witness protection program! lol i see her once a week tops!!
and i know its girl cause she has had eggs! dont have a male so i assume they became food! but they are totaly awsome when you see them!


Where did you see the eggs at??? are they attached to her or did she leave them in a group on the rocks. The reason I'm asking is all of a sudden one day I saw all kinds of things floating in the water or course the fish were having a buffet but they looked like eggs to me from someone.


on mine they were red and attached to her under side! i watched for here everynight and about 4 days later they were gone!


Ohhh that would have been neat to see. thanks for the reply. I hope you enjoy her as much as I enjoy mine. Maybe we can hook them up on a date and have boxer grandcrabs

mx mr bean

oh alright then occasionally ill throw some mysis in there. the guy at the fish store said it wont come out alot i guess he was right. ive only had it in my tank for a day now but i havent seen him since i put him in. do they ever just walk out into the open? or alsways hid in the rock caves?


Give it time. Mine hid all the time at first for about a week, but once he got comfy in the tank he would walk out in the open. now I see him everyday on one certain rock ledge were he has dug a hole under the rock in the sand. When he does walk into the open from one side of the tank to the other he gets into a karate stance and sticks his anemone way up in the air and waves it from side to side as he walks and if anyone gets close to him he points that anemone at them and just dares them to touch him lol I love watching my little guy. You will see your guy more often as time goes by. My little guy will actually come and take the food from me now. The funniest things ive seen from him is when I dropped some pellets right by his cave and he came running out to get them and a snail got it first and he started beating on the snail to let it go. He was doing some serious karate chopping on that snail.


Active Member
Ive got two little boxers... They're amusing guys (when they actually come out). As some others have said, you won't see it much for a while, but after a while, they become more comfortable. I see at least one of mine every night usually backed into the corner of the tank waving his claws around (still hasn't clipped anything off of my BTA
), usually trying with his life to avoid the mithrax crab (he steps all over him in that corner). Funny guys, though. I'll shoot a piece of mysis to them when I see them and I can look back five minutes later to see them still workin on that same piece. They're surprisingly bold little dudes... Not deterred even when my flame angel goes in for a peek.

mx mr bean

lol well last night i finally saw my little pom pom for the first time (since i put im in a week ago) he was hiding under the leather coral.

mx mr bean

ill try i saw him for a second time tonight he was out in plain view on a rock. but after i shined the flashlight on him he started to inch towards a hole he found. i also didnt have a camera tonight. (Dads at work) but i will try later tonight and tomorrow to get a pic


Yeah my boxer is part of the witness protection plan also. I have a 90 gallon and pom pom is very difficult to find, but when I do finally see my little friend I get soo excited the whole family comes running....no wonder she hides