Originally posted by Drewster:
...a week until I move back home to Detroit where there should be tons of stores. How much are frozen brine shrimp cubes? How do they sell them?
Here in the Grand Rapids area I bought a package of about 50 cubes .5 x.5 x.5 inch for about $4.(not bad). I just bought 2 clowns last weekend and they, along with the 3 damsels, eat anything I put in the tank! Flakes, pellets, but they all go crazy with excitement when I put the shrimp in! It works best to get a small paper cup of tank water, and let the cube melt in there first, then slowly dump it in for them. I also share it with my goldfish and fidler crab in a brackish tank.
Also I found a couple NICE fish shops in the Detroit area while searching the web. I don't recall the names or locations now, but if I can find them again I'll let you know. I was hoping to visit them next time I have to venture over to that side of the state.
[This message has been edited by DennisH (edited 05-04-2000).]