what do copperband butterfly eat?


New Member
I'm new to saltwater aquariums and didn't even get one yet. does the copperband only eat live shrimp? can't they eat dead shrimp? Also what does it mean by, reef safe: moniter. also,are they friendly with other inhabitants i'm going to get? (clownfish, blue hippo tang, a yellow tang& a neon goby


Hello, welcome to the hobby. I have been told that Copper Band Butterflys will eat Aptasia. If you don't know, Aptasia is a nuisance glass anemone that given half a chance will take over your tank. If you want to purchase one you would need a fairly established tank. When purchasing it make sure to ask the store to feed it first and make sure it is eating, as I have heard they can be difficult to get to eat.
When it says Reef Safe: Monitor, I beleive it basically means that most of the species are reef safe, but some individuals have been known to cause problems. As far as compatability, I beleive that you have to be more concerned with other fish bullying this one. I believe most tangs and clownfish would leave it alone. Gobies are not a problem, they usually mind thier own buisness.