What do i need for my 90G FOWLR?


Active Member
Ive had a small Reef Tank going for about 3 months now, and i plan to get my 90G tank going pretty soon. Its going to be Fish only with Live rock. I plan on 2 puffers and a lion
As far as equipment goes what should i get? Im new to bigger tanks and not sure what they require. So if anyone has the time to come up with a nice check list i need would be awesome


Active Member
This isn't what you're looking for; but I sure don't like the idea of two puffers and a lion. Many puffers are known to chomp on anything and the lions fins are irresistible. Sure, its been done, someone has done just about anything in our hobby. But, IMO, the odds of the lion surviving are small.
I would put a good skimmer near the top of your equipment list; large fish produce a lot of waste that the skimmer will help with. What are you planning for basic filtration? That would be a good place to start. Also, let us know if you need to stick to a tight budget; equipment suggestions are limitless and some info on where you are in the process would be a big help.


Active Member
ok so a lion wont work with the 2 puffers what would?
Im not sure what kind of filtration i will need... There is no limit on buget. Dont wanna go extreme but i want healthy fish. Im sure i wilol need a Filter,Skimmer, power heads, LR and what else do i need?


Active Member
something like the phosoban media reactor. predators will produce large amount of waste that will cause algae. the reactor can be used to run carbon and gfo. if ur going the predator route a larger than normal skimmer would be a good idea. something that the manufactorer rates at 250+ gallons range would be good like an octopus 200 for the budget line skimmer, otherwise an atb or bubbleking skimmer if you want to drop a couple (hundred) extra bucks. setting up a fuge to grow macro algae would also be a good idea


Active Member
thanks for info
As far a equipment goes so far:
Skimmer Octopus 200
CPR Aquafuge(medium)
Do i need a Fancy light for a Predator tank?
What would you get for a Filter? and what kind of powerheads should i get? i really like the Korilia's


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
thanks for info
As far a equipment goes so far:
Skimmer Octopus 200
CPR Aquafuge(medium)
Do i need a Fancy light for a Predator tank?
What would you get for a Filter? and what kind of powerheads should i get? i really like the Korilia's
2bulb T5HO will illuminate nicely for cheap cheap..


The lighting is not important for a FOWLR. You should buy the kind of lights that look good to you. Like for example MH lights make a nice shimmering effect and give your tank a nice blue hue. So check out some lights and pick the one that looks best to you. The fish don't care.


Active Member
2 puffers in a 90 isn't going to work for very long.. they tend to grow quickly depending on the species you pic of course. adding a lion is a high risk in this small of a tank .. as for lighting you can get away with the lowest lighting you feel just a basic 24 watt will suffice