What Do u Add 1st?


Active Member
When I get my new lights for my 55 im going to want to add an 1 Anemone and some corals. Right Now I have none of either in the tank. Ive decided on a BTA.
Now my question is should I get the bta 1st before I add any corals to allow it to move around and find a spot to settle in so it dosnt sting any corals? Then I should be able 2 place corals safely right?


that would be the correct thing to do...i how ever didnt plan to get an anemone in the begining and later decided to get a BTA and it has settled in the corner where my kenyas are and most of them have died but that is ok cuz they came with the rock but if i had to do it again i would get the anemone first let it settle and then get corals


Active Member
Your dead on in regards to getting the BTA first. It makes no difference where a BTA is most apt to place itself, and yu can allow for that and make all conditions perfect, and those jokers will do something 180 deg opposite. So I always place the BTA first, and then finish populating with other stuff, and heck even thats not a guarantee......Anemones are just plain hard headed. I had a bubble tip that I traded with the lfs. I could not keep that BTA satisfied. I wuld let it select a spot, then go about relocating everything around it. Well after rearranging my tank for the umteeth time I said mr/mrs/ms BTA your gonna have to go. I pulle dit out carried it to the lfs, who just opened the bag and dumped it in the tank, and that joker stayed in that spot it landed in when dumped for a few weeks on end until it was sold. Why could it not do that when I had it instead of moving on a daily basis.


Active Member
thanks guys. well I guess its in the luck of the draw then. But ill try to start with the anemone 1st.