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The Blackedge Moray should be OK with the Lion, since they feed on crustations, smaller fish and so on..... Most lions and eels do not mix, eels prey upon lions in the wild, with the exception of a few.
The Humu Trigger may eventually kill the Lion, they are notorious for doing that and is just a bad combination. Lions are not aggressive fish they are predators, the trigger can easily pick the Lion To Death.
Although triggers & lions seem like a natural pair; in my experience, almost any trigger will start butchering the lion by going their after the flowing fins and beat the slower lion to most food. Nobody pushes a big lion around; but I agree 100% with V-Lioness. They get a bad rap as far as being aggressive, I've never had a lion bother any fish he didn't have a chance of swallowing. The big Arfican Volitan (man, they grow fast) I have now lives with fish that would never make anyone's aggressive fish list. Except maybe the big GSM clown- but she isn't aggressive, just territorial.