what do we know about anglers?

sign guy

Active Member
I have a 20 long not in use and thought about getting an angler for it. But I know nothing about them so fiil me in


Active Member
Depends on what species you are considering. Some stay relatively small 3" - 5", while others will grow to over 12", in length.
All require a species only tank, with better than usual water specs. They're very intolerant or nitrates and even the slightest traces of ammonia.
Feeding live food is a toss up. I've had a few specimens that took to frozen right away, while others too many months to train to frozen and others that refused frozen and never weened over.
Prices will range from $10/$20 to well over $200, depending on the species.

sign guy

Active Member
In your opinion what is a good one that will fit in a 20 all by its lonsome self? and is fairly hardy compared to other anglers?


Active Member
No Angler should be considered "hardy", because they're far from it.
Also, they're EXTREMELY hard to ID, if you're not very familiar with them. You could be buying a little 2" specimen, but within 8 months, it could turn into a 14" monster.
Wartys are a good species, although expensive. To get a feel for them and to see if you really like them or not, try to purchase a cheaper Sargassum Angler. They usually run $20 - $30...sometimes alot less, depending on where you get it.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
No Angler should be considered "hardy", because they're far from it.
nuff said, anglers are out. what do you recamend for my 20 long? I have to set up a tank while im planning my 125 and my 210 all this buing and no new fish tank. I bgotta buy a new fish


Active Member
If I had a 20 laying around, I'd definately try to find a mantis...a Peacock, in particular.


Active Member
Well I know I couldn't put one in my horse tank!!!!!!
Good to hear from you!!
here's my email:
make sure to put 2007 somewhere in the subject; I'm trying block all the stupid spam!!!!
So is my wave 2k still working ???? You have any pics with the upgrades!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
My fish store said he would give me the one he has for free but my tank is glass
I've kept 4 different species of mantis. Don't believe the whole "it'll break your glass tank" hype. It wont happen.
The only times you'll hear of mantis breaking glass is the bottom pane of glass. They're a burrowing species. They'll burrow to the bottom of the tank and try to keep going, hence breaking the tank.
You can solve this by placing a piece of plexi in the bottom of the tank and then covering it with sand. The mantis can't break thru the plexi.
All the ones I had, I never did the whole plexi on the bottom of the tank routine and never once had one break glass. It's all boulderdash!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I've kept 4 different species of mantis. Don't believe the whole "it'll break your glass tank" hype. It wont happen.
The only times you'll hear of mantis breaking glass is the bottom pane of glass. They're a burrowing species. They'll burrow to the bottom of the tank and try to keep going, hence breaking the tank.
You can solve this by placing a piece of plexi in the bottom of the tank and then covering it with sand. The mantis can't break thru the plexi.
All the ones I had, I never did the whole plexi on the bottom of the tank routine and never once had one break glass. It's all boulderdash!

I have a Peacock that's near 5 inches. From time to time he will walk up to the side of the tank and give it a good whack. I am glad I have acrylic!!

the j.o.p.

mantis rule! mine has only hit the glass once ( that i know of ) and you can see a tiny little scratch, chip, or whatever. she is at least 6 inches. o and a peacock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by The J.O.P.
mantis rule! mine has only hit the glass once ( that i know of ) and you can see a tiny little scratch, chip, or whatever. she is at least 6 inches. o and a peacock.
3 Cheers for Diablo!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: