What do ya need?


New Member
I have a reef tank (live rock, live sand, power compacts, power filter, power heads, and a protine skimmer.) if i want to do a fish only tank what would i need other than the basic stuff (power filter, power heads, substrate, NO lights, salt, hydrometer, dead rocks or corals for fish to hid in) what other than that list would i need to set up a basic fish only tank. (i plan on cycling with damsles) thanks for your imput :)


New Member
I have a 50 gallon reef. but i want to set up another tank. and i want it to be fish only. and a wondering what equipment i need to run a fish only tank(keeping cost low)
Hi, A protien skimmer for sure[ after cycle] an a UV will top off the clarity of your water, When I lift my lids and turn off wavemaker you can look in the water and its crystle clear, The Uv for a fish only tank should be run on a smaller pump, so the water goes threw it slower and killing more free floating algea...cya


The only differnce is that a FO tank does not require lr or more than standard lighting.