What do ya think?


I'm setting up my 120 gallon tank in about a month and looking into fish that I would like to keep. I really want a school of fish, and thought anthias would be a good choice. Could I get the pink square anthias (male's) and bicolor anthias, and how many could I keep? I LOVE the pink square...my fav!
Thank you,


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
I'm setting up my 120 gallon tank in about a month and looking into fish that I would like to keep. I really want a school of fish, and thought anthias would be a good choice. Could I get the pink square anthias (male's) and bicolor anthias, and how many could I keep? I LOVE the pink square...my fav!
Thank you,
Anthias, as a group, are not easy. Pink Square's are especially difficult, IMO. They come from deep water and their color really fades in bright light. They are also very hard to get eating; they require bigger food than most anthias. Also, I think a tank should be set up for a while with other fish (at least 6 months) before any anthias is introduced. They are beautiful fish; but require pristine water, several daily feedings, and (IMO) a lot of experience.