What do you feed your tang?


Hey tang owners, what's up? I purchased an Atlantic Blue Tang about 2 weeks ago and I have a few questions concerning its eating habits. At the moment, he's eating flakes, Seaweed Selects, and normal lettuce. But, depsite his eating, his color is still kinda bland and he seems awfully thin. The first time I set up my tank I had really good algae but this time it just won't grow. I know the tang needs his greens so what can I do to supplement his diet? Brine, bloodworms, what else? Also anyone have ideas on what I can do to initiate sufficient algae growth(I have brown but no green or red) in my tank? Thanx for your help.


Don't bother feeding lettuce, it really has no nutrinunal value. Try some formula One, and formula two. My Tang love it. Just make sure to feed a varitey.


my tangs get brine, sea plankton, seeweed selects, broccoli, and flake, and they also get their food soked in zoe


spinurila .formula 2 and feed alot. it may tske time for it to get fat but feed it 2-3x aday. at least twice and leave some nori on a clip. Not to much food just what it eats In a few minutes


I've been soaking all the food into Zoe vitamins and I have noticed a big difference in my tangs! They also love the nori on a clip!


garlic soaked brine that all my fish get. I feed a few cuttings a week of caulpera algae from my sump. and he grazes all the time. seems to keep nice color. only problem I noticed was very stringy feces after I fed him nori one time. and he really didnt each much anyway. so now I have a freezer full of nori. but he seems to graze ok.. so Im not worried.


Active Member
Nori,broccli,romain and zoe made all the differans in the world in my tangs.I'v got a naso,a powder blue,a yellow and a blue and they tear that stuff up!!!