What do you feed?


Like the topic says, what do you feed? I searched and found that lots of people create their own food, though I couldn't really decide what all I would need to do so properly. Currently, I have been feeding frozen brine/blood worms, 1 cube each, each night per a suggestion from the LFS. However, it looks like my tang might be developing HLLE (actually, all three of my larger fish: tang, butterfly, and coral beauty are not looking perfect though only the tang look like HLLE, while all of my smaller fish are looking great... water values all look good, I am thinking maybe ich?) and I want to see if I should be supplenting the diet some how? I have a lot of tropical flakes from my freshwater fish, is that a viable option?
My stock list:
2x 3 Stripe Damsel
2x Blue Reef Chromis
1x Coral Banded Shrimp
1x Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel
1x Dash Dot Butterfly
1x Lyretail
1x Misc Damsel
?x Misc Hermit Crab
1x Royal Gramma
2x Yellow Tail Blue Damsel
1x Yellow Tang


what size tank is this and the water parameters.
next thing is everything needs a varyed diet tangs and other grazers have to have algae sheets and supplements they can not live on brine and blood worms alone its not good for them.
to make homemade foods you will need a deticated blender to blend meaty foods like shrimp,clams, squid, crab, and any other types of sea bearing creatures. adding garlic extract and other supplements is also good there are many recipes on here if you use the search button at the top you will be able to find them.


Im kinda new here, so my advice might not be the best..I personally would NOT feed them FW food....you do need to supplement though...even though I only have 1 fish, I switch off from Formula One flakes...(1 or 2 times a week) and the rest I have the frozen SW multi pack...also I do skip feeding maybe every 3rd day..(due to small tank and only the 1 fish) But I might be wrong........(been known to be wrong before!)


I am no expert on this subject - BUT - I do know your fish need a better diet. Brine Shrimp has NO nutrition value - kinda like giving a kid a candy bar. Your Tang also needs greens - Nori sheets work great for them.
I feed my tank 3-4 times a day - I rotate between
Emerald Entree
Marine Cuisine
Mysis Shrimp
frozed Plakton
frozen Krill
frozen squid
homemade food
freeze dried Krill
flake food
Hmm - my fish eat better than my kids.....I also thaw all my food in Vitachem and Marine C.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
what size tank is this and the water parameters.
Tank is 125g, ~1.022 sg, 0 amm/trite/trate, 400 calcium, ~8.4ph. Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll have to head to the store tomorrow and get some algae sheets and supplements.