What Do You Guys Think About This Mix?


New Member
Okay... I've had my 175 gallon for about 9 months, cycling and all that good stuff. Right now all I have is a yellow tang. I really need some fish...
I was thinking about this mix, I don't know if I'm a bit over my head but please leave your opinion. Okay... here it is :
1 Blue Ring Angelfish
1 Emperor Angelfish
1 Copperband Butterflyfish
1 Raccoon Butterflyfish
1 Threadfin (Auriga) Butterflyfish
1 Banded Cat Shark
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Naso Tang (with streamers)
1 Orange shoulder Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang
I was also thinking about maybe even adding either a Pink tail, Niger, or Black Durgeon Trigger, if room permits. Please leave your opinion. Thanks alot!


New Member
yea, I also was warned of putting more than 1 large angel in a large tank. But I heard it would probably work out if the tank ws big enough, they were the same size, and introduced at the same time. The angels will probably some of the last fish to enter the tank. I just want to know if this setup would be okay, or if I would have compatability problems, or if it would be overstocked. Thanks!


Well you gotta remember the fish do grow. It would be ok if they were all juv's but once they start growing watch out. I heard that Bannded Cat SHARKS get to be about 2 1/2 to 3 feet long if not longer when they are done growing. Just something to remember.
Just take it slow and make a wish list. Start with the least aggresive/terretorial fish first. Your list would crowd the 175 if they were full size. If your buying from a lfs, take your time and watch the fish for a week or two before you put them in. One fis or school at a time. Have fun!!


I have read that the yellow tang can be aggresive towards other tangs. Since the yellow has been in there by himself he would probably not get along with the new tangs. If you have alot of live rock you could rearrange the rock at the same time you add the new fish.


you may be overstocking your 175 with all them fish. especially with the cat shark they need a tank that size by themselves. also they are very aggresseive and being a shark your other fish could end up becoming meals for it.
also thats a lot of tangs for that tank i would cut out a couple. they can get aggressive and kill each other with over crowding tangs they need a lot of swimming room. also tangs of the same family are not very compatable with each other. tangs need good water quality because all of them are very prone to ick and the powders and hippos are prone to lateral line disease, overcrowding the tank can cause stress on them and cause this. and some info on the 2 big ones the orange shoulder and naso should be in a min of 125 EACH.
i would double check your butterflies alot of them cant be put together in the same tank most are found as singles and are very territorial especially if put in a closed system. before buying any fish it is a good idea to find as much info on them as you can (compatability, min tank size, size of fish, feeding, level of care, (and any special requirement a fish may have)
no two large size angels together and no two dwarfs togehter, but u can mix and match them together , i see a small problem with all those tangs
just because they are all of the same shape, so they may fight, but dont get the shark, they get huge and they will make the water quality real bad


New Member
just my opinion but my friend had a blue hippo tang and all it did was hide under rocks. i would advise against it. also in the tank was a yellow tang, it was not aggressive towards it at all.