what do you guys think?


:notsure: right now i have a 95 gallon reef tank with a sump and a sock filter and it is just beautiful, ok so i just bought another 135 gallon that will be set up for fowlr
but now the guys who i bought it from, set up and service my tank say they want to put in bio balls ,is that a good idea? or should i just filter this tank like my reef tank?

sign guy

Active Member
I love bio balls they work great but If you do not clean them out they will turn into trait factories


Originally Posted by sign guy
I love bio balls they work great but If you do not clean them out they will turn into trait factories
thanks for the reply , but if you clean them doesnt that defeat the purpose?

sign guy

Active Member
you clean them in the water you remove from your weekly water canges also do a quater of the balls a week works like a charm


Originally Posted by sign guy
you clean them in the water you remove from your weekly water canges also do a quater of the balls a week works like a charm

sign guy

Active Member
take 1/4 of the bio balls out and stick them in the water from your tank that you plan to toss out from a water change. place the balls in the old water and vigeresly (cant spell sorry) rinse them out.


Originally Posted by sign guy
how often do you do a water change?
we do a water change every 2 weeks, 25 percent


Originally Posted by sign guy
take 1/4 of the bio balls out and stick them in the water from your tank that you plan to toss out from a water change. place the balls in the old water and vigeresly (cant spell sorry) rinse them out.
how do you know which 25 percent you are taking out :notsure: say i take off the top 25 percent, then next water change i take out more 25 % more do you shuffle them mix them around. I build houses that go for several million dollars but i can't figure out cleaning the bio balls

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by cunningham
thank you for spending the time and looking that up.
also when you do rinse off the bio balls you just rinse and not scrub right
no prob. rinse= good scrub= bad

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by cunningham
how do you know which 25 percent you are taking out :notsure: say i take off the top 25 percent, then next water change i take out more 25 % more do you shuffle them mix them around. I build houses that go for several million dollars but i can't figure out cleaning the bio balls

well I guess we will never know for shure but just guessing will be enough to keep the prob under controle.


no, not yet i ordered it 2 weeks back, first i ordered a 100 gal, then i changed my mind and got a 125, then a 135. and thats what i ended up with! I also ordered a maple cabinet and canopy but they were stained to light, and they have to be restained darker. (their mistake) i saw it all on friday its going to be cool! its 72" long i dont know when the stand will be finished i hope soon. i need to make up another dedicated circuit for this tank, when i ran another circuit for my other tank i pulled in another 20 amp circuit just in case and im glad i did
i love this hobby!

sign guy

Active Member
If you put a pre filter befor the bio balls, throw 5 large coktail shrimp in and it will biuld a larger bio load. This works great on bio balls but not too well on lr


i would rather use live rock than bio balls, no cleaning needed and its the natural filter mabey put a light over it with some macro alge and youll have best results