What do you guys think



I got a undulated trigger and I was wondering if he would be ok around zoo's and clove polyps? All this will be in a 75g RR...The trigger is currently 2inches and he is in my 33g it has a few leftover small mushroom frags and small green star polyp frags, I even have a cleaner shrimp in the tank..I thought he would chew it soon as I released him in the tank but he tries to let the shrimp clean him but the shrimp touches him with his antena's and backs away everytime. I know he will prolly eat him soon.
What do you guys think about him being with the zoo's and clove polyps and maybe a few yuma mushrooms and cordi's?


Active Member
As long as they're attached to big rocks it should be ok. He may nip, but I doubt he'd eat corals. They do like to pick rocks up and move them around tho.


yea ive been reading that they like to move rocks. I was going to place the frags onto bigger rocks and just let them spread over time.


Active Member
This guy will grow and eat every invert and smaller fish you have. They are very personable fish; but, maybe, the most aggressive & destructive fish we keep. I would never keep one in a reef tank. He'll grow into a much different critter than the cute little fella he is now.


Active Member
I'd post this in the reef forum and see what kind of feedback you get. IMO, this is one of the last fish I'd put in a reef. He will quickly turn from the cute little 2" trigger into one of the most aggressive and destructive fish in the hobby.


yea when I got home that cleaner shrimp that I mentioned at the start of this thread was gone, I see a little bit of the shell and a few legs laying around. So now he is all alone. I think im just going to put some nice aquacultured LR in the tank.
Whats the growth rate on these guys anyway? The undulated trigger that is.


Active Member
With an Undi you might think of keeping him that way, one of the meanest triggers there is.
Will swim up tot he glass and try to bite your finger when he gets bigger.


yea I think thats what im going to do, john got in some huge feeder shrimp and ghost shrimp..im going to get it a few to chase around. I'll get a pinktail or hawaiian black trigger and do my zoo and clove idea with.