what do you know about these tangs?


Active Member
I'm researching my upcomming FOWLR tank, and I was wondering about these fishes... I couldn't find much info that seemed credible, so I thought I'd ask you all...
Orange bar - Acanthurus olivaceus

White Cheek or Gold Rim - Acanthurus nigricans

Gold Rim/Achilies Hybrid - Acanthurus achilles x Acanthurus nigricans (is this the fish Mr. Salty asked about a while back?)

The white cheek/gold rim tang is the only one I've seen available at any of the more reputable online stores. Are the other 2 rare/not available typically for home aquariums?


Active Member
Those achilles are pretty sensitive. They are ich prone and should handeled much like a powder blue or any other sickly tang(clown). But I'm not framilar with the others.<a href="http://hometown.aol.com/flmeangl44/index.html" target="_blank">:) CLICK HERE TO SEE MY REEF. :) </a>