What do you put in your fuge


New Member
Besides algea, do you put snails, crabs ??? I'm setting mine up this week and curious what else needs to be in there to keep it ..
Thanks in advance


I have some live sand and live rock, and a ton of mysit shrimp and copapods(but they get there on there own


Active Member
I have floating bioballs and rock rubble in the drain chamber, deep sand, larger live rock, caleripa and 10 turbo snails in the fuge chamber with 65wattPC and more floating bioballs in the pump chamber. The pods love liveing in those bioballs.


This thread happens about every two months, so cut, paste here ya go.
I have a good 4.5-5 inch sand bed made from ootlic style aragonite sand.
Chaetomorpha algae and Several hunks of liverock.
I have witnessed the pod larva floating in the water column, I have a growing number of amphipods, copepods, isopids and have several chitons running around.
I have Fire worms, Terebellidae, Cirratulids and Sabella worms, melanostigma, chaetopterid worms, and spirobidae worms all over the glass rocks and even the heater.
I also have a couple of unknown hermit crabs, a red leg hermit.
A fighting conch, micro snails, Turbo snails, Stometella vara , a nassarious snail and astrina starfish.
There are even sponges growing in there