What do you think of the 24 g aquapod


So I used to be pretty active on these forums (in the larger tank division), but we had to move so I gave up the tanks. I would love to get back into things, but no longer have the time, space or money for a larger tank (those 50 gal water changes took a lot of time and the salt costs alone would add up). At any rate, I am looking at the 24 gallon aquapod and it looks pretty sweet. What are the opinions of them here compared with similar-sized tanks? Any opinions on running it with or without the optional protein skimmer? I will probably start with FOWLR, but wouldn't mind adding some corals maybe an anemone. People have luck keeping anemones/easier corals with just the 64 W CF system? I'd be worried about temperature issues in the summer with the MH lighting but would consider it if people have had much better results.
Thanks in advance for any opinions...am looking forward to having a tank again...miss the relaxation of looking at it.


Active Member
ill will get it. right now iam setting up a tiny reef. but if i had the money i will buy the 24g aquapod. my friend has one and im not gonna lie it is very beautiful.
A buddy of mine has it...it does look nice but I like the 28g JBJ better...its skimmer works good and the 150W MH just blows the corals up...I have no heating issues with it. I just had to gut the back chambers besides the skimmer...due to Nitrate problems.


Active Member
i have an empty 24g aquapod sitting in my room.i was thinkin of selling it but might make it a zoa and ricordia tank.not sure yet....anywho, when it was full of life it was a great tank..nothing went wrong with it. it ran for a little over a year then i upgrade to a 90g that y its empty now..but anyhow .i'd upgrade the return pump and...if u can, u should get the hqi version..heres a pic of mine when it was about 4 moths old..