what do you think of these?


Active Member
Are these cool? Would you want them in your tank? How much would you pay per head?

I think they are cool looking and would think that no one around would have anything that looks like them. However, no way am I paying what the place wants per head for them. I would if I was going to grow and frag and re sell them though.


Active Member
heck no acro. candy apple reds are 40 a head and they are more awesome then these. $12 head tops


I payed 200 shipped for a pack of zoas a few months ago.
got some purple hornets, cats eyes, radioactive dragon eyes, jokers, fire of hells and tubbs blues and red magicians.
Seemed like alot of money at the time and sadly I lost the red magicians and the fire of hells, but now I really love the rest of them now that they are starting to fill out.
I'm happy with my purchase, love the zoas. now looking for replacements for my fire of hells and red magicians.


Active Member
Hey jst you didn't get red hornets? Red hornets are 1 of the most beautiful zoas out there. And I can find some other zoas that look better then the chaos and for cheaper. I am about to get 2 heads of tubbs blue zoas for $6


reds are still too expensive. they would have cost me 200.00 bucks all by themselves LOL
Originally Posted by 1Snapple http:///forum/thread/383169/what-do-you-think-of-these#post_3349464
Hey jst you didn't get red hornets? Red hornets are 1 of the most beautiful zoas out there. And I can find some other zoas that look better then the chaos and for cheaper. I am about to get 2 heads of tubbs blue zoas for $6


How many corals can you put if the tank is 1.5 month old?
got live rocks, fuge, skimmer, sand, pumt..