What do you think of this light set up I bought?

<a href="http://cgi.----.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1321517684" target="_blank">http://cgi.----.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1321517684</a>
I already bought it, I think it will be good, but I want to know if you guys think it was a waste of time. Also, what kind of corals I could keep(if any) with these lights over a 29 gallon aquarium with about 40 pounds of LR. Thanks for your replies :)


55/29 = roughly 1.8 watts per gallon. IMO you don't have enough light to keep many corals alive. I would say you need at least another 55 watt PC on a 29 gallon.
You might be able to keep mushrooms alive, but otherwise you might not have enough light.
Anyone else have anything to say about this?


Active Member
Well Matt,
I hate to say it - but you asked - and I will give you the straight and simple.
CSL used to offer that light with the 55 watt smartlite bulb. That same fixture is now offered in the 65 watt version for $97.11 online at a popular lighting website.
I agree with JustinL - that 55 watt pc although it will certainly brighten up your tank, and give it a nice asthetic look - it will most likely not be enough for most corals.
On the bright side - no pun intended - you can still use this light, and maybe add another strip light behind it on your tank top as JustinL suggested.
Certainly not a "waste of time".
Good luck
Whoops, forgot to mention that I emailed the guy and he said it is a 110watt dual bulb system as stated in the auction title. so that would make it 110/29=~3.8w/gal which I thought was pretty good. At least enough to keep some hardy corals and stuff. Oh well maybe I was wrong, but I guess that is one good way to learn.


I think that should be enough light with two 55 watt bulbs. I have 90 watts of PC light over my 29g and i keep an anemone and a colony of green zooanthids (button corals). Hey what LFS do you go to? Do you make it up to Portland much?
I usually hit up advanced aquarium or saltwater fantasy here in town, although I have been to upscales which is LO or tigard, I can't remember exactly. I also hooked up with this lady and her husband who sell me live rock for 2$/Lb in clackamas. What stores do you recommend?
And about the lights...
I hope it really does turn out to be 2 55w bulbs or I am going to be kinda pissed because I asked the guy whether or not it was 55 or 110 watts and he said 110. So if it turns out on the other end I will ask for my money back.


I usually go to Waves and Deep Sea Gallery in Vancouver. Both of them are pretty honest and good stores.
Hey you should join the Pacific North West Marine Aquarium Societyhttp://home.pacifier.com/~reef/Pacific.htm
They had a frag trade last week, this would be a great place to pick up some corals.
Good luck with the lights.


The 2X65 sells for ~250, so it sounds like a good deal if you got the 2X55. I love ---- myself :)
I have a pair of 24" PC lights mounted in my canopy: 1/65/8,800K and 1/65/Ultra Actinic each, for a total of 230 watts on my 65 (~3.5 per gallon), and the "look" is very nice.
I just ordered a pair of 175 watt MH retros w/5500 Kelvin bulbs from <a href="http://www.aquaticlight.com/" target="_blank">http://www.aquaticlight.com/</a>
for $112 each to boost me up 8watts/gallon. MH bulbs are small, so you might be able to add one later like I am if you want.