What do you think? {which eel?}

After some preliminary searching:
Am looking into these species with some damsels in the tank.
Which one would you pick?
Chainlink Eel {Echidna catenata}
Ghost Eel {Uropterygius concolor}
Banded Moray Eel {Myrichthys colubrinus}
Fimbriated Moray Eel {Gymnothorax fimbriatus}

small triggers

Active Member
whast size tank and what other equipment do you have? eels are messy when they eat and would eventually eat the damsels,,


Active Member
If it is to be an eel only tank I'd go with an eel wit some flash and personality.
Tank size will limit your choices.

salt life

Active Member
I have a chain link moray and a fimbraited moray, but like they already said, depends on your tank size. out of the ones on your list if your just looking for an eel with some damsels then i would go with the fimbraited if tank size allows it.