what do YOU think???


I just bought a 90g tank and am trying to decide what fish to stock it with...let me know what you think about this list....
-lemonpeel angel (6 inchs)
-tear drop buttterfly (8inchs)
-blue tang
-and possibley another carnivorous type of fish
do you think it would be bad to have all these herbivores?!??!


Active Member
I think the 3 fish that you've pick out could coincide with each other if you introduce the butterfly first, then the angel and then the tang. Not sure which blue tang you are refering to but neither one (pacific blue aka hippo tang or atlantic blue tang) should be kept in a 4 ft tank long term, look into upgrading in the future. As for another carnivore fish, I was going to suggest a trigger, but due to your tank size I would go for a pufferfish(toby) or a maroon clown. HTH