What do you think?


Active Member
Hi everyone. I just finished the 5 hour job of re-arranging my rock and adding some to finish the tank and was wondering what you guys and gals thought of it.


What method did you use to stablize the rockwork or did you freestack it(meaning stack the rock with no reinforcement.......I just made that word up
) ? I know some people like to use plastic pegs to keep the rocks together nice and stiff to prevent avalanches.The job looks terrific anyhow what size is the tank? That's some good looking rock there too.


Active Member
It's a 46 gallon and I just freestacked it but made sure each piece was sturdy enough to stay still and not fall, I try to keep it natural and not use any super glue or pegs or anything. Thanks for the compliments guys, keep them coming.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gasman4433
Looks great!! What kind of fish do you plan to put in it.
Thanks for the compliment. You can't see them becausethey were still hiding but there are 2 blue/green chromis, firefish, and a coral beauty in there. I want to get a pair of sebae clowns to finish it.