What do you think


New Member
I wanted to know what you all thought about the fish I plan on putting in my tank. The tank size is 220 g (41"H, 72"L, 22"D)., wet/dry, protein skimmer, and a canister filter.
Lunar Wrasse
Huma Huma Trigger
Clown Triger
Niger Trigger
Volitan Lion
Porcupine Puffer
5 x Yellow Tangs
Strawberry Gramma (not sure about this one)
Please let me know your comments. Thanks.


Well, I would drop the tangs, they usally don't do very well with aggressive fish. And 5 yellow in a 220 will be take up alot of space. Also take out the gramma, too small and would make a nice meal for those triggers. As for the remaining 6 fish, it would be best to drop one of them for your tank to allow those fish to thrive. Personally I would take out the puffer, it more than likely be harrassed by the clown or one of the other triggers.
You wont need to run a canister with a wet/dry and a skimmer. Consider getting a UV Sterilizer. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. You came to the best bb on the web


Active Member
I am not a Trigger expert by any means but I wonder how that list of Triggers when large would get along in even a larger tank. Drop the Pork tho that will be a loser and I would bet with that many Triggers would give you a great case of Ick in no time (Puffers get it real easy believe me on that and when stressed it is a given just a matter of when).
ya my bad i failed to over look some stuff, i drop the pork, abd the clown plus those tangs and the gramma, try this
harlequin tusk
snowflake eel
maybe a dogface or golden puffer


I was glad to see that you dorped the lunar, I just had to tank mine out of my 125, he was picking on everyone, made my puffer and snowflake stop eatting, he is going back, they sure are beautiful fish. I run a canister filter on my 125 just for a mech, works great just have to keep it clean. The rest of the fish look good, some will say no triggers with a puffer, I am trying it myself, got a small trigger and let him grow with the puffer no problems yet. Good Luck